As we head into a new month and season, it is the ideal time for Reflective 0bservation, one of the most powerful ways to learn. Taking the time to reflect on the past decade, and more specifically the past year, allows us to look carefully at what we did, what we experienced, what choices we were faced with, why and how we made those choices and how they made us feel. Observing in this intentional way means looking from a new perspective, one with no urgency or intended outcome, observing from a place of patience with a curious mind. If we make the time to really do this effectively then we are better placed to make informed choices for the present and future that we wish to have. This type of learning is sustainable, powerful and embedded because it helps turn lived experience into gentle retrospective analysis helping us to find and make meaning of our lives.
Find the time, in solitude, to reflect on your year so far and ask yourself these few questions…
- What do I want to let go of completely?
- What do I want to cultivate and nurture?
- What do I want less of and what do I want more of?
- What am I going to do differently?
- What will the world notice when I do this?
- What will I notice when I do this?
And may you find the authentic resilience you need to continue engaging in the world with an open-heart filled with loving kindness, compassion, courage and trust.
-Written by Gabi Lowe