Myth No. 3: Resilient people ‘don’t do emotions’

The Resilience Factory - Emotional Health

Whilst resilient people may appear not to dwell on their emotions, Authentically Resilient people are able to fully engage with a wide range of emotions – both their own and those of others- including the tougher more challenging emotions. Many writers (even writers on resilience) talk about ‘positive and negative emotions’ – but to label […]

Myth No 2: Resilience is all about being tough and strong.

The Resilience Factory - Build Resilience

It is often assumed that resilience is all about being tough, being strong, being assertive and hardy, not taking no for an answer, pushing through regardless of how your feel in a way that is bordering on being forceful or persistent in the extreme … sort of like going into battle with a suit of […]

Debunking the Myths of Resilience

The Resilience Factory - Strengthen Relationships

Myth No 1: Resilience is about ‘bouncing back’. Google “resilience” and the term “bouncing back” will crop up again and again. But the truth is that for anyone who has experienced severe trauma, loss or adversity there simply is no bouncing. When you are faced with tragedy, with severe calamity you do not bounce; and […]

Noticing Nature

Gabi and I were talking recently about how we are noticing so much more of nature now that things are quieter. Our senses are quietened which allow us to observe more, and it feels like Mother Nature has had a chance to re-establish her presence whilst we are all taking a break. I have been […]

What’s so hard about control

One thing many people are struggling with at the moment is how much they CAN’T control. For those who are used to being in charge, who like routine and order, who plan a long way into the future, this can be especially hard and emotionally frustrating. How can we change our mindset from focussing on […]

When Nothing is Normal

Like many of my friends, it seems, I have been unable to get properly stuck into reading a book during the last few weeks. I just don’t seem to have the mental energy for it. So earlier this week I reached instead for a magazine that I had bought pre-lockdown. The April edition of a […]

From Surviving to Thriving

The Resilience Factory - Strengthen Relationships

In the face of crisis and adversity, why do some people seem to thrive, grow and be able to look outside of themselves, whilst others struggle to survive? The answer lies in that elusive ingredient ‘resilience’. A few years back Gabi and Pippa at The Resilience Factory came up with a model called The Ten R’s of […]

Being Present

The Resilience Factory - Thrive in life

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow” – Albert Einstein As human beings, we spend a great deal of our time thinking about our past, present and our futures, and how we think about each one of those, our attitudes to them and the attention that we give them can deeply affect us. […]

Moving Toward a New Year

Moving toward a new year, never mind a new decade, is a powerful time. The ideal time for Reflective 0bservation, one of the most powerful ways to learn. Taking the time to reflect on the past decade, and more specifically the past year, allows us to look carefully at what we did, what we experienced, […]